Specialty Areas

Specialty Areas for In-Person & Online Clients in Florida

Eli Bliliuos travels to Miami, Florida 4-6 times per year to facilitate hypnosis training and regression sessions. All the other specialty sessions can be scheduled via the phone/webcam page

Click on any of Specialty areas below for more information:

Fears & PhobiasWeight ManagementSmoking Cessation
Sports EnhancementSelf-EsteemCreativity
ConfidenceStress ManagementPerformance Anxiety
Pain ManagementSurgery Preparation & RecoverySleep Improvement
Overcome StutteringImprove RelationshipsIrritable Bowel / IBS
Past Life RegressionMotivationLife In Between Lives

Fear/Phobia Management Program:

No matter what fear or phobia you have, and there are more than a thousand of them, you don’t need anyone to tell you how restrictive they can be. You may have tried facing up to them in the past, but unless you were successful you probably now have a strategy of avoidance. This in effect means that you will do anything to avoid being confronted by the thing, event or situation that the phobia is associated with. 

You know logically that your fear is out of proportion. You know intellectually that what you fear will probably never happen, but it does not stop the feeling of panic that comes over you. You can feel anxious, nervous, your heart feels like its beating faster, you may feel hot and even break out in a sweat… and all you want to do is run away. Logic does not help you because this behavior, this reaction is outside of your conscious control. It comes from your subconscious mind.

Top 10 Phobias

10) NECROPHOBIA: Fear of death.

9) BRONTOPHOBIA: Fear of thunder and lightning.

8) CANCERPHOBIA: Fear of cancer.

7) ACROPHOBIA: Fear of heights.

6) EMETOPHOBIA: Fear of vomiting.

5) CLAUSTROPHOBIA: Fear of confined spaces.

4) AGORAPHOBIA: Fear of open spaces.

3) AEROPHOBIA: Fear of flying.

2) SOCIOPHOBIA: Fear of people or social situations.

1) ARACHNOPHOBIA: Fear of spiders.

Hypnosis can help with problems from anxiety to pain.   -Newsweek 10/2004

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.

The Hypnosis Florida Fear/Phobia Management Program:

  • Identify When, Where, and What Triggers Your Fear/Phobia
  • Replace Catastrophic Thoughts with Truthful Statements
  • Teach Diaphragmatic Breathing Techniques
  • Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About & React to a Fearful Situation
  • Teach Self Hypnosis for Daily Reinforcement

Under Hypnosis, Suggestions Will Be Introduced to Help:

  • You Realize that the Physical Sensations Can Cause No Harm
  • Create New Ways to Look at the World Around You
  • To Promote Clear Headedness  
  • Identify the Source of the Phobia
  • Create a New Response to Fear Producing Stimulus

The phone or webcam sessions consist of an intake and hypnosis to address the Fear/Phobia. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed to overcome the fear/phobia will vary but on average 4-6 sessions will suffice. 

Weight Management Program: 

Obesity rates are at an all-time high. Statistics vary, but approximately 65% of Americans are overweight. Why is it that so many of us are overweight? 

There are several major unconscious limiting beliefs or factors that keep us overweight.

  1. I don’t deserve to be at my ideal weight. Others do, but not me!
  2. You were taught at a young age to always finish your food 
  3. I’ve always been overweight. In fact, many of my family members are overweight. The good news is that genetics is responsible for only 35%, which means 65% is due to our environment/our choices,
  4. Attention/Power. Sometimes people feel weak or unnoticed. Weight gets them noticed. And to some people, negative attention is better than none at all.
  5. Chastity. Many young women, particularly victims of molestation, gain weight to deflect unwanted sexual advances.
  6. To reward/entertain yourself. This also can include feelings of loneliness or boredom.

These are limiting beliefs that we can be free of.

“People who did hypno- and talk therapy were able to lose more than twice the weight of their counterparts who did talk therapy alone”   -Glamour 8/08

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.

The Hypnosis Florida Weight Management Program:

  • Identify When, Where, and Why You Eat 
  • Set Realistic and Specific Objectives 
  • Formulate a New Lifestyle Plan
  • Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About Food and Exercise
  • Teach Self Hypnosis

Under Hypnosis, Suggestions Will Be Introduced To:

  • Improve Your Confidence & Self Esteem
  • Enhance the Appeal of Healthy and Nutritious Foods
  • Develop New Lifestyle Changes Including Exercise
  • Minimize the Importance of Food Related to the Way You Feel

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address weight management. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have, discussing the exact nature of the problem, and identifying exactly what a client wants to achieve. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod

The number of sessions needed may vary but on average 4-6 sessions will suffice.

Stop Smoking Program: 

The leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States is smoking. Approximately 1 out of every 5 deaths in the U.S. is attributable to smoking. Approximately 400,000 Americans die per year from a smoking-related illness. The average smoker spends about $1,825 a year on cigarettes. 

So why do so many of us start, and continue to smoke? 

There are several major unconscious limiting beliefs or factors. 

  1. Smoking because those you respect/admire smoke.
  2. Smoking to relieve stress.
  3. Smoking to substitute a perceived insufficiency (loneliness, self-esteem, acceptance, etc.)
  4. Appealing tobacco advertising.

These are limiting factors/beliefs that we can be free of.

“Half of People who used Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking were still cigarette-free in 6 months, versus just 16% of nicotine-replacement users and 25% of people who went cold turkey”   -Glamour 8/08

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.

The Hypnosis Florida 2 Session Stop Smoking Program:

  • Identify When, Where, and Why You Smoke
  • Formulate a New Lifestyle Plan
  • Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About Smoking
  • Teach you Self Hypnosis for Daily Reinforcement

Under Hypnosis, Suggestions Will Be Introduced To:

  • Create an Aversion to Smoking
  • Enhance the Appeal of a Substitute for Smoking
  • Improve Your Ability to Overcome Stress
  • Develop New Lifestyle Changes 
  • Minimize the Importance of Smoking Related to the Way You Feel 

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address the habitual smoking. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

Completion of the Stop Smoking Program requires 2-3 sessions.

Sports Enhancement Program

We have all heard statements like…”His mind is just not on the game today”, or perhaps, we might have known someone who excels at their sport when training yet folds under the pressure of competition. Negative thoughts pertaining to performance skills can be changed or eliminated. Sports performance can be enhanced to a major degree as skills improve to the point where intermittent incidents of poor performance no longer arouse feelings of discouragement, irritation or other detrimental emotional reactions. Concentration, coordination, technique can improve as well as awareness of proper form can improve.

Push yourself to new levels of performance
Train harder than you’ve ever trained before
Effortlessly break the performance plateaus that you’ve been struggling to conquer 
Stay cool and calm under pressure
Discover the resources you need within yourself to excel at your sport

Child athletes to professionals are finding and using hypnosis to improve their performance.  Three of the major factors which make this possible are the ability to improve focus and concentration, to relieve unnecessary stress while leaving sufficient “edge” to perform optimally, and to practice through visualization all of the moves needed to make the desired improvements to perform better.

Athletes with anxiety use hypnosis to allow them to relax and perform at their best…   -National Geographic, April 2005. 

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.

The Hypnosis Florida Sports Enhancement Program:

  • Identify What Causes a Lack of Focus
  • Replace Negative Thoughts with Truthful yet Positive Statements
  • Practice Visualization 
  • Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About Pressure and Competition
  • Teach Self Hypnosis

Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced to Help:

  • Enhance your concentration and focus 
  • Increase your confidence 
  • Reduce anxiety and stress  
  • Achieve peak performance 
  • Remain poised in the most competitive situations 

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address Sports Enhancement. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed will vary, but on average 3-4 sessions will suffice.

Self-Esteem Motivation & Confidence Program

Low self-esteem is actually a thinking disorder in which an individual views himself as inadequate, unworthy, unlovable, and/or incompetent. Once formed, this negative view of self permeates every thought, producing faulty assumptions and ongoing self-defeating behavior. Low self-esteem is a serious disorder that affects millions of people–both men and women–destroying their relationships, paralyzing them with fear, and creating lives that will never reach their full potential, leaving them off balance, needy, and unfulfilled. 

The sense of worth and value that we attach to ourselves determine the way in which we conduct ourselves. If we believe that we are “worthless” and have “no value”, those beliefs will be apparent in all of our behaviors and interactions with others. Self-esteem influences nearly everything you do. When your self-esteem is low, every aspect of our lives is made more difficult.

Maybe you are extremely critical of yourself and/or maybe you minimize your successes. This kind of thinking materializes out of various life experiences and circumstances. It reflects conditioning in the past. Most often low self-esteem is programmed unintentionally through depreciating labels and negative comments by judgmental family members. Negative Labels thought to be buried continue to reside deep in the subconscious mind and contribute to the way you perceive yourself.

Self-esteem is directly related to confidence and motivation. In all areas of life, be it sports, business, careers, etc., the most successful people are often the most motivated. Increased focus and motivation and in turn greater overall success can be achieved through Hypnosis.

Hypnosis can provide access to the subconscious mind where these negative labels and beliefs are stored. Subconscious change can lead to changes in our conscious thoughts and behaviors and can have a positive impact on our quality of life. Your professional and personal relationships can all benefit from improved confidence, self-image, and self-esteem.  

The magazine Psychology Today stated that “Hypnosis gives you more confidence” 

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate change.

Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced To Help:

  • Be more objective about your good qualities  
  • Build Self Esteem and Self Respect 
  • Develop a positive attitude 
  • Become more Assertive and Express yourself clearly
  • Increase Overall Confidence and Motivation
  • Improve Focus

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address Self Esteem, Motivation, and Confidence. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed will vary, but on average 4-6 sessions will suffice.

Stress Management Program

We may think of stressful events as unpleasant ones, such as losing a job or having difficulties at home or at school. But changes for the better can also cause stress, like a new baby, a wedding, and a new house. Stress is a psychological and physiological response to events that upset our personal balance in some way. When faced with a threat, whether to our physical safety or emotional equilibrium, the body’s defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” response.

Top Ten Stressful Life Events

  1. Spouse’s death 
  2. Divorce 
  3. Marriage separation 
  4. Jail term 
  5. Death of a close relative 
  6. Injury or illness 
  7. Marriage 
  8. Fired from job 
  9. Marriage reconciliation 
  10. Retirement 

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.

The Hypnosis Florida Stress Management Program:

  • Identify When, Where, and Why You Feel Stress
  • Formulate a New Lifestyle Plan
  • Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About & React to a Stressful Situation
  • Teach Self Hypnosis

Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced to Help:

  • Release and Relieve Emotions or Feelings Associated with Stressful Situations
  • Create New Ways to Look at the World Around You
  • Develop New Lifestyle Changes 
  • Adapt to Stressful Situations

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address the Stress. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed will vary, but on average 2-3 sessions will suffice.

Performance Anxiety Program:

Performance anxiety occurs in many contexts – sports, acting, singing… but whatever the situation, the problem is the same.

There are few activities that can produce tension and anxiety as quickly and as thoroughly as performing in public. Most performers have experienced performance anxiety in some form and to various degrees. This fear may be experienced while preparing for a performance, for days or even weeks before hand, and not just while performing. It can be experienced in the present as apprehension. Performance anxiety is no different from general anxiety. Feelings of fear and apprehension are accompanied by increased and prolonged physiological arousal.

The Effects of Performance Anxiety

  1. You have to perform an activity that requires you to be ‘in the moment’  
  2. You think about all the things that could go wrong 
  3. The anxiety gets in the way of your own performance

Hypnosis can help eliminate performance anxiety by getting you into the optimum state for peak performance, so that all those old worries simply become irrelevant. 

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate change.

Under Hypnosis, Suggestions Will Be Introduced to Help:

  • Create New Ways to Look at the World Around You
  • To Promote Clear Headedness  
  • Identify the Source of the Anxiety
  • Create a New Response to Fear Producing Stimulus 
  • Build Self Esteem and Self Respect 
  • Develop a positive attitude 
  • Increase Overall Confidence and Motivation

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address Performance Anxiety. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed will vary, but on average 4-6 sessions will suffice.

Pain Management Program

Maybe you have heard of an athlete that sustains an injury and continues playing. Only after the game or the competition are they aware of the intensity of the pain. How does this happen? This is the effect of the mind influencing the perception of pain. The mind was preoccupied with something else, and the pain was not perceived by the mind. When the distraction of the game or competition is gone, the mind then perceives the pain that was there all along.  But when the mind is distracted, the perception of pain diminishes. With hypnosis we are able to distract the mind from the pain.  We can use hypnosis to focus on other perceptions and change the intensity of the feeling to decrease the discomfort.

In effect, hypnosis equips the client suffering from chronic pain and chronic illness with a resource that enables him or her to shift from a physical context of discomfort to a more comfortable (or neutral) state. Clients can expect that the process of altering one’s state of consciousness will be associated with (partial or complete) relief from the symptoms of chronic pain. 

Comparative efficacy studies have demonstrated that hypnosis is often more effective than biofeedback, relaxation, cognitive behavioral therapy, acupuncture, or morphine for both acute and chronic pain with 75% of those who use hypnosis experiencing some relief of pain (Patterson & Jensen, 2003). Hypnotic techniques have proven useful for pain associated with burns, cancer, invasive medical procedures, headaches, musculoskeletal conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, and fibromyalgia (Haanen et al., 1991; Lynch, 1999; Montgomery et al., 2000). Hypnosis has demonstrated particular utility for reducing cancer pain, including bone marrow transplant pain and coping with invasive procedures associated with cancer treatment (Ernst, 2001; Handel, 2001; Lynch, 1999; Marchioro et al., 2000; Pattison, 1997; Renouf, 1998).

“Studies show that hypnosis can treat everything from chronic pain to poor study habits. Chances are, it can work for you.” -Psychology Today

“Most patients benefit from the use of hypnotic suggestion for pain relief,” -WebMD


Hypnosis ‘reduces cancer pain’ 

Mesothelioma Cancer
Visit this link to learn how mesothelioma patients are using hypnotherapy as complimentary cancer treatment.

Childhood cancer patients suffer less pain when placed under hypnosis, scientists have claimed

Children who have been hypnotized in trials reported they had less pain from medical procedures as well as cancer-related pain. 

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate change.

Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced to Help:

  • Identify the Source of the Pain
  • Release and Relieve Emotions or Feelings Associated with Pain
  • Eliminate Pain

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address the Pain. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed will vary, but on average 3-4 sessions will suffice.

Surgery Preparation & Recovery: 

Hypnosis can accelerate healing and enhance your overall health and wellness. The power of positive hypnotic suggestion is now being practiced and employed in many top hospitals across the country. The health-enhancing uses of hypnosis are numerous, including accelerating recovery from illness and surgery, calming pre-surgery anxiety, and easing childbirth.

Anxiety is not your friend when undergoing surgery. Hypnosis prior to surgery helps you in all aspects of your surgery and recovery.  It not only creates benefits while in the operating room, but it can also shorten your hospital stay, lessen your need for pain medication, accelerate incision repair and get you back to your life sooner.

Surgeon Kolouch finished compiling the records of 100 patients on whom he has performed surgery with hypnosis and concluded that in 81 cases the trance experience had saved patients anxiety, pain and money, and had speeded recovery. It also helped the surgeon, anesthesiologist and nurses.

Time Magazine

Hypnosis Reduces Breast Surgery Side Effects

Pain, Nausea and Other Side Effects Mitigated by Pre-Surgery Sessions…
ABC News

Hypnosis Goes Mainstream

Major Hospitals Use Trances For Fractures, Cancer, Burns; Speeding Surgery Recovery

By Michael Waldholz/ 
Wall Street Journ

October 7, 2003

“Hypnosis, often misunderstood and almost always controversial, is increasingly being employed in mainstream medicine. Numerous scientific studies have emerged in recent years showing that the hypnotized mind can exert a real and powerful effect on the body. The new findings are leading major hospitals to try hypnosis to help relieve pain and speed recovery in a variety of illnesses.”

Patients trained with Hypnosis before surgery had significantly shorter stays in hospital. Research shows that Hypnosis methods have been used successfully for anxiety associated with medical procedures.


(1) Rapkin, D.A., Straubing, M., Singh, A. & Holroyd, J.C. (1988). “Guided Imagery and Hypnosis: Effect on Acute Recovery from Head and Neck Cancer Surgery” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Asheville, N.C. Spiegel, D, (1998). Report in the Harvard Mental Health Letter, September 1998, vol. 15, p. 5-6.

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate change.

Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced to Help:

  • Identify and Minimize the Fear and Stress associated with Surgery
  • The client’s body rehearse all of the steps of the operation in trance 
  • The body and subconscious mind of the client to relax and trust the skill of their physician 
  • Cut off all pain signals except those that are essential for the client’s recovery 

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address the upcoming Surgical Preparation and Recovery. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the surgery. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed will vary, but on average 2-3 sessions will suffice.

Sleep Improvement Program:

Millions of people who suffer from sleep disorders sometimes find it difficult to turn off all the thoughts that are floating through their minds. They can spend half the night thinking about work or things that need to be accomplished the next day. Whether it be a difficult time falling asleep or awakening in the middle of the night and then being unable to get back to sleep, experiencing generally one or two hypnosis sessions can bring you back to a normal sleeping pattern.

Hypnosis is nothing more than a state of relaxation bordering on sleep. Learning to relax the body and mind with a trance state can on its own teach you how to put yourself in a relaxed state of mind in which sleep comes easily. In the hypnotic state that borders on natural sleep we can often help clients locate the subconscious emotional and mental blocks that are preventing you from a restful sleep. 

100 percent of insomnia patients reported improved sleep and 91 percent either eliminated or reduced sleeping medication use, reported in The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 100, pages 212-216, 1996 

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.

Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced To Help

  • Identify and Overcome the Emotional and Mental Blocks that Hinder Normal Sleep Patterns
  • Overcome Stress
  • Develop New Lifestyle Changes

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address the Sleep Issue. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed, will vary, but on average 1-2 sessions will suffice.


Every one of us, even the most talented, gets stuck from time to time and can’t breakthrough a creative block. Creativity seems to happen by itself because it is a product of the unconscious mind. Hypnosis has been used by many people over the years to help alleviate artistic blocks. Blocks can be caused by stress, displeasure with the creative process, and fear. Hypnosis relaxes the creative part of your brain and allows ideas to flow from your mind. 

Actors can utilize hypnosis to enhance their confidence and commitment in auditions as well as to break through fears, self-sabotage, or feelings of unworthiness that hold them back. Artists of every type can utilize hypnosis to keep their eyes on their vision, and to stay true to their own unique voice and artistic integrity.

Council, J. R., Bromley, K. A, Zabelina, D. L., & Waters, C. G (2007). Hypnotic enhancement of creative drawing. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 55(4), 467-485. The authors of this study present a very exciting empirical investigation of the potential uses of hypnosis to enhance creativity and artistic expression. 

The lead author has previously investigated the uses of hypnosis in similar interventions to enhance dramatic acting skills and other creativity and artistic-related performance skills. The participants in this study were randomly selected to draw under either a condition utilizing hypnosis to enhance creativity or a task motivational group that did not utilize formal hypnotic procedures. Botii groups were asked to produce a baseline drawing before the hypnotic or task motivational instructions. The hypnotic instruction group was given a hypnotic induction and suggestions intended to enhance their creativity. The participant’s drawings were blindly rated by expert judges of drawing using a rating scale that examined factors like creativity in the participant’s drawings. Measures of hypnotic ability, absorption, and phenomenological experience were also employed to assess the importance of each measure in predicting the success of the creativity enhancement procedures. The authors found that the participant’s drawings in the hypnosis instruction group were rated as being significantly more creative than their baseline drawings. The authors also reported that the results were not related to hypnotic ability or absorption levels of the participants. This study is very interesting as it documents an excellent use of hypnosis in positive psychological interventions to help enhance creativity. Interventions such as the one documented in this study could probably be safely and profitably taught to artists, musicians, actors, acting coaches, and other persons who wish to realize and develop their creative artistic expression.

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate change.

Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced to Help:

  • Identify and Alleviate the Fear 
  • Release and Relieve the Stress of the Creative Process
  • Create New Ways to Look at the World Around You
  • Teach Self Hypnosis

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address Creativity. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed will vary, but on average 2-3 sessions will suffice.

Overcome Stuttering Program: 

Stuttering creates difficulties for many people. We all have experiences in our lives in which we find it difficult to gain appropriate speech, but stuttering can affect individuals within their daily life. NLP and Hypnosis can help with these issues as they allow each person to understand why they have speech difficulties. The keys to understanding stammering and stuttering are to understand that this issue is about the person and not about speech; the speech difficulties are symptoms of other communication issues.

It’s very frustrating not being able to say the words you really want to say. It’s a helpless feeling when you try to say something specific, and you just can’t manage to get it out. Many times, you can even be mistakenly perceived as someone not intelligent enough to hold an intellectual conversation and NOTHING can feel more defeating or be more crushing to your sense of self-esteem.

Stuttering, like all issues, is individual and unique to each person. There is no doubt this issue is linked to confidence and stress within certain areas of a person’s life. One person may have communication difficulties in a completely different area to another, showing that all issues are personal and unique to the individual.

Many clients have instantly lost the ability to stutter with a Regression session. How is this possible? By simply taking the client back to the initial experience, where this learned process of stuttering commenced. With hypnosis, we can access the subconscious, then remember and provide a new adult understanding to the deeply seated memory of that inner child. With a new understanding, the old fear can transform, and new learning’s lead to changes. A combination of Hypnosis and NLP can also train your mind not to trip over the words that seem to give you the most problems. It’s amazing in its simplicity but you are literally taught to regain control over your speech by using mind over matter.

The Hypnosis Florida Overcome Stuttering Program:

  • Identify When, Where, and What Triggers Your Stuttering
  • Replace Negative Thoughts with Truthful Statements
  • Utilize Regression to Identify and Reframe the Initial Sensitizing Event
  • Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About Speaking
  • Teach Self Hypnosis for Daily Reinforcement

Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced to Help:

  • Create New Ways to Look at the World Around You
  • To Promote Clear Headedness
  • Reframe the Initial Sensitizing Event
  • Create a New Response to Fear Producing Stimulus
  • Build Self Esteem and Self Respect
  • Develop a positive attitude
  • Increase Overall Confidence and Motivation

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to address the Stuttering. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis, the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed to overcome the fear/phobia will vary but on average 4-6 sessions will suffice.

Improve Relationships Program: 

Whether you are dealing with problems of infidelity, conflict or the end of a relationship, it can be difficult to cope with the emotional fallout. Perhaps you just know your relationship can be in a much better place than it is right now.

Does any of following desires or challenges resonate with you?

  • Independence in Relationships
  • Insecurity in Relationships
  • Fear of Commitment
  • Wanting to get the Spark Back
  • Overcoming the end of a Relationship
  • Dating Confidence
  • Meeting People
  • Overcoming the Challenges of a Divorce
  • Ending a Relationship
  • Increase Libido – Female
  • Increase Libido – Male
  • Delayed Ejaculation
  • How to Stop Pushing People Away
  • Love Again
  • Newly Single
  • Self Esteem in Relationships
  • Save Your Marriage
  • Listening Skills
  • Feel Connected
  • Surviving Infidelity
  • Be Approachable
  • Fear of Abandonment
  • Trust Again
  • Socializing Motivation
  • Death Of a Partner
  • Sibling Rivalry

Relationships are crucial to the well-being of human beings who by their very nature are social creatures. Relationship satisfaction is a direct function of the quality of the relationship. Someone having few or no interpersonal relationships can be just as unhappy as someone with many meaningless relationships. On the flip side, having even just one mutually respectful relationship can satisfy someone for an entire lifetime.

The dynamics of relationships are complex–each relationship reflecting its uniqueness derived from its co-investors. Successful relationships require interpersonal skills such as communication, empathy, compassion and humility. Lacking any of these, create conflicts, which over the long run can create unhappiness and stress.

Hypnotherapy simply utilizes the focused state of hypnosis to sort out interpersonal conflicts. With the guidance of the hypnotist, in an altered state, the mind can gain profound insights and view their spouses, children, co-workers, bosses, brothers, sisters, and parents from a more understanding perspective.

The changes created in the client are permanent, without needing to drag anyone else in the relationship into therapy. This process allows old anger, grudges and resentment to give way to new understanding and healthy relationships.

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.

The Hypnosis Florida Improve Relationships Program:

  • Identify When, Where, and Why You Respond Negatively 
  • Replace Negative Thoughts with Truthful yet Positive Statements
  • Practice Visualization 
  • Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About Your Relationship or Your Loss
  • Teach Self Hypnosis

Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced To:

  • Improve Your Confidence & Self Esteem
  • Remain Poised in the situations that would normally trigger a negative response
  • Enhance your Ability to Move Forward and Communicate Effectively
  • Increase your Ability to Live in the Moment rather than in the past

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to Improve Relationships. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have, discussing the exact nature of the problem, and identifying exactly what a client wants to achieve. While in hypnosis, the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed may vary but on average 3-4 sessions will suffice.

Overcome IBS Symptoms Program: 

IBS, also referred to as spastic colon, is a disturbance of the colon where patients present long-standing symptoms of cramping abdominal pain, bloating, excessive flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, or alternating constipation and diarrhea. It affects between 15 to 20% of the population.

It is imperative that a proper diagnosis be made by one’s physician or gastroenterologist, since its symptoms also mimic symptoms of several life-threatening illnesses. Conventional medical treatment, along with dietary changes, has shown to be effective with about 25% of patients.

Since 1984, worldwide studies have demonstrated the long-term alleviation of IBS symptoms when hypnosis is combined with medical treatment. The effectiveness of treatment then climbs to 80%.

“Hypnosis should be the treatment of choice for all severe cases of IBS”

Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD.
National Women’s Health Network
Washington, D.C.

Up until now, the more “traditional” treatment has been fiber therapy, antispasmodic medications and antidepressants. Fiber is added to the diet through the use of bulking type laxatives and a high fiber diet. Antispasmodic medications may reduce the spasms in the gut, while antidepressants may reduce the sensitivity of the gut to pain and other sensations as opposed to acting as emotional antidepressants. According to the American College of Gastroenterology, these drug therapies have a 25% success rate.

However, there is a non-intrusive, effective and natural way that has been utilized to treat IBS suffers as I had found. Over the past few years, research from the Center for Functional G.I. and Mobility Disorders, which is affiliated with the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, has strong and overwhelming evidence supporting the fact that anywhere from 80 to 90% of IBS symptoms can be reduced or eliminated with hypnosis. Today, research from this center continues with the assistance from the NIH (National Institute of Health).

The NY Hypnosis Institute Overcome IBS Program consists of initially teaching the client self-hypnosis. At the end of the first session, a “trigger” word is given to the client’s subconscious mind, which will allow them to re-enter this relaxed state immediately whenever they encounter a stressful or anxious moment. In each session, specific suggestions are introduced to promote inner healing. As an example, and depending on whether the client suffers from diarrhea or constipation, a metronome representing their digestive system is imagined. While in hypnosis the client can “control” the beat of the metronome either speeding up for constipation or slowing down for diarrhea. While not knowing it, the client is actually retraining their digestive process in each of these sessions. By harnessing our subconscious mind, we all have the power to promote wellness and accelerated change.

Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.

The Hypnosis Florida Overcome IBS Symptoms Program:

  • Teach Self Hypnosis
  • Identify When, Where, and Why You Feel Stress
  • Formulate a New Lifestyle Plan
  • Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About & React to Stressful Situations

Under Hypnosis, Suggestions Will Be Introduced To:

  • Promote Inner Healing
  • Release and Relieve Emotions or Feelings Associated with Stressful Situations
  • Create New Ways to Look at the World Around You
  • Develop New Lifestyle Changes
  • Adapt to Stressful Situations

The phone or webcam session consists of an intake and hypnosis to Overcome IBS Symptoms. The intake portion involves answering any questions the client might have and discussing the exact nature of the problem. While in hypnosis, the client will receive suggestions that will assist in promoting accelerated change. In addition to learning self-hypnosis, the client will receive a recording of a hypnosis session that can be downloaded onto a computer or an iPod.

The number of sessions needed may vary but on average 3-4 sessions will suffice.