South Florida Life Between Lives
and Past Life Regression
South Florida Hypnosis Sessions that Change Lives…
Past Life Regression can open your mind to the possibilities of past lives. Through Past Life Regression, you can discover the sources of problems and issues that affect your present-day life by uncovering Past Life Memories and how they affect your subconscious.
What is my life’s purpose?
Why do I continue to face the same challenges in life?
Why do I have this physical and/ormental condition?
What happens when we pass on?
A Rabbi Describes his Past Life & Life Between Lives Memories
Disclaimer: Results may vary
Who am I really?
Before you came into this physical body, you were part of the energy and love that exists in the spirit world. You were a soul that had access to the limitless love and knowledge that’s available to you there. But you eventually decided to come back into the physical world to *experience* and *grow*. But to experience and grow, you had to forget nearly everything that was available to you in the Spirit world. At times in your life, it would be helpful to have access to some of that knowledge.
A South Florida Life Between Lives Regression (LBL) can allow you to access that information.
To Learn More, Please Call: 877-800-6443
An LBL allows a client to go into a super-conscious state where they are then able to access their soul’s memories. These memories can help you discover your karmic growth patterns, and why you chose to reside in your current body.
A Miami Life Between Lives Regression can help you:
- Learn why you chose your life
- Understand your life’s purpose
- Gain insight into your relationships
- Discover what you have chosen to experience
- Realize your soul lessons
- Identify the souls you have incarnated with again and again
L.B.L. Client Testimonial
Disclaimer: Results may vary
Eli Bliliuos, the founder of The New York Hypnosis Institute, was trained by the Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Regression. He considers Life Between Lives hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression to be his calling in life and is honored to facilitate these sessions in Miami and Ft Lauderdale.
What You Can Look Forward To:

Clients exploring Life after life can learn a great deal about their experiences in the spirit world. The LBL can allow a client to go into the super-conscious state where they are then able to access their soul memories. These memories can help the person discover their karmic growth patterns, and why they chose to reside in their current body.
An LBL session begins with the client regressing back to early childhood memories, as early as just a few months old. This is followed by a regression to the womb where the client can experience the feelings associated with the months prior to childbirth. This can include the earliest connection and or feelings about his or her mother.
The next step is a regression to a past life and can include awareness of the client’s name, sex, age, occupation, family members, historical date, location, and personality. It is not uncommon to recognize some of the important people in a past life as souls who are with us in our current lives. In many cases a past life directly relates to the current life. The challenges and patterns of a past life often have some connection or relevance to our modern day lives. Our subconscious mind and higher self guides us to visit past lives that can shed light on present day areas of opportunity. This new awareness can facilitate a release and healing of sorts.
Life Between Lives Client Testimonial
Disclaimer: Results may vary
Clients will be guided to move to the most significant events of a past life. This allows for a summary of the life including major events and challenges. This will eventually lead to the death scene and the ability to understand the true meaning of a life just led. This includes evaluating the lessons learned and the experiences that allowed for the most growth.
As the client moves into the Spirit World and is accessing his or her super-conscious, they begin to realize that they are spiritual/eternal beings. It is common to meet the personal guide and members of the soul group. The common theme is one of complete, love, support, and compassion by the souls and guides that they meet. By and large the spirit guide has gently supported and coached the client through all the many incarnations.

The members of the soul group usually, but not always, incarnate together to assist each other by agreeing to play roles in each other’s lives on earth that will allow for the experiences and growth that is sought. They also can incarnate together to support one another. Clients sometimes find that the most challenging events and relationships allow for the greatest growth and experience. It is not uncommon to find the same souls who challenge us from lifetime to lifetime to be part of our soul group. They agree to play a part in a life so that we will experience something beneficial to our development.
Meeting a soul mate in the spirit world is a unique and deep experience. Soul mates typically incarnate together to support and love one another. They often share many lives together. There are instances, however, where the soul will be better served if the soul mate does not incarnate with them. The soul might benefit from experiencing or learning something without the assistance of a soulmate.
There is additional information that can be received, including how and why a particular life and body were chosen. Clients may learn about activities and studies in the spirit world and may visit other souls or entities that help them review lives lived and potential new incarnations.
As the client interacts and receives information from members of the soul group and the guide, they will typically begin to understand their unique talents and abilities. They begin to see the bigger picture and understand the lessons, themes, and challenges of their soul history. It is not uncommon for a person who takes part in a Life Between Lives Regression to experience a profound life shift.

How Long Is the Session?
The length of a Life in Between Lives session is approximately 3 hours.
How To Prepare:
Clients are required to have experienced at least one Past Life Regression. The Past Life Regression experience is fundamental and will allow the client to accept and interpret the flow of information.
Please prepare a List of the most important people/relationships in your life: This list should include the first names and a brief description of their character and relationship to you. These are people who have significantly impacted your life, both positively and negatively. It may include relatives, lovers, best friends (or antagonists) and teachers.
Please bring a List of Questions.
All sessions are **video and audio recorded for the client.
Rest well and please do not travel the day of the session. Eat a good breakfast and avoid too much liquid or caffeine.
Eli Bliliuos, the founder of The New York Hypnosis Institute, was trained by Brian Weiss and the Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Regression. He considers LBL and Past Life Regression to be his calling in life and is honored to facilitate these sessions in Miami and Ft Lauderdale.
To Learn More or To Schedule an Appointment
Please Call 877-800-6443
** Video and audio recordings are not guaranteed, as failures of equipment and file transfers do happen that are beyond the control of the NY Hypnosis Institute, LLC.
Even though many people have profound experiences, regressions experiences vary and cannot be guaranteed.